


In-house logistics outsourcing

In-house logistics outsourcing

We offer outsourcing services for various industries. We specialise in providing logistics solutions and production support, under certain circumstances, where the volume or activity does not justify the client’s extra expenditure to cover the work.

We carry out warehousing and load preparation operations, providing personnel, procedures and tools for the client.

We offer the client a temporary increase in warehouse capacity, lower costs and optimisation of logistics processes.

Since 2004, we have been managing in-house logistics for several clients and sectors, such as electronics, metallurgy and the plastics industry.

What do we do?

We manage the logistics chain in the client’s facilities.

What makes us different?

We create a global project that is fully integrated into the client’s logistics.

What do we provide?

Experience, greater productivity and flexibility.

Do you want to contract an outsourcing service?

Contact Lotrans, we will be delighted to help you.